Greek dances - Dora Stratou 034 (LP 26) (LP 26)
Storage media information and contents
- Media type:
- LP
- Series:
- Greek dances - Dora Stratou
- Areas: Pontos
- Publication date:
- 01/01/1979
- Publication place:
- Athens
- Publication company:
- EMI Greece
- Publication IBN:
- DS 132-135
- Producer:
- Greek dances - Dora Stratou
- Responsible:
- Stratou Dora
- Club:
- Dora Stratou
- Collector:
- Stratou Dora
- Registration Date:
- 08/09/1994
- Responsible for registration:
- Moraitis Thanassis
- Responsible comments:
- Songs:
- 1. Kortsopon 18 chronon
- 2. Kardhia m' do es ke keesse
- 3. Edhevan ta Christoughenna
- 4. Rassia min prassinizete (Greek dances - Dora Stratou LP 26)
- 5. Sou krevandi s' to yan ke ka
- 6. Kalandarts ke neon etos
- 7. Instrumental (Kotsari / Greek dances - Dora Stratou LP 26)
- 8. Tis Trichas to yefiri (Greek dances - Dora Stratou LP 26)
- 9. Ela pouli m' assa makra
- 10. Aiten' ts eparapetanen (Greek dances - Dora Stratou LP 26)
- 11. T' emon t' arnopon emorfon
- 12. Egho esse na vlaeva