Nostimon imar / Michalis Terzis (LP 37)
Storage media information and contents
- Media type:
- LP
- Donation:
- Terzis Michalis
- Areas: Epirus, Thessaly, Thrace, Crete, Lesvos, Macedonia, Asia Minor, Islands, Aegean islands, Ionian islands, Peloponnese, Pontos
- Publication date:
- 01/01/1986
- Publication place:
- Athens
- Publication company:
- EMI Greece
- Publication IBN:
- Ζ1/Φ1785
- Producer:
- Greek National Tourism Organisation
- Responsible:
- Terzis Michalis
- Club:
- Greek National Tourism Organisation
- Collector:
- -
- Registration Date:
- 12/10/1994
- Responsible for registration:
- Moraitis Thanassis
- Responsible comments:
- Songs:
- 1. Crete (In the perfumed month of May)
- 2. Macedonia - Thrace (On the threshing floor)
- 3. Epirus (The little lemon tree)
- 4. Macedonia (The 'Eleven' dance)
- 5. Lesvos (My aunt Amersouda)
- 6. Peloponnese (Kalamata kerchief)
- 7. Aegean islands (My little sea)
- 8. Ionian islands (I 'll begin bitterly)
- 9. For Thessaly (Amaranth - The flower that never fades)
- 10. Hellespont (Kotsaris)
- 11. Thrace (Don't be bitter girls)
- 12. Aivaliotikos - Asia Minor (Zeibekikos dance)
- 13. Epilogue (My little sea)