A choral festival of Greek folk songs (LP 82)
Storage media information and contents
- Media type:
- LP
- Areas: Anatolia, Greece, Epirus, Asia Minor, Plaka (Athens)
- Publication place:
- Los Angeles
- Publication company:
- Byzantine Society Records
- Publication IBN:
- GSS-10003
- Producer:
- Byzantine Society Records
- Responsible:
- Desby Frank
- Collector:
- Desby Frank
- Registration Date:
- 30/04/2012
- Responsible for registration:
- Moraitis Thanassis
- Responsible comments:
- Songs:
- 1. Gerakina (Frank Desby)
- 2. Misirlou (Frank Desby)
- 3. I 'll never forget (Frank Desby)
- 4. The pine tree (Frank Desby)
- 5. The dance of Zalongo (Frank Desby)
- 6. Anatoliko Klouvatou (Frank Desby)
- 7. Light my cigarette (Frank Desby)
- 8. This is Greece (Frank Desby)
- 9. I once had a love (Frank Desby)
- 10. The boys of Pireus (Frank Desby)
- 11. The shepherd girl (Frank Desby)
- 12. At the sea shore (Frank Desby)