Musical Folklore Archives Melpo Merlie

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Νot given (CD 643)

Storage media information and contents

Media type:
Anakou (Cappadocia), Cappadocia, Malakopi (Cappadocia), Potamia (Cappadocia), Silata (Cappadocia - Asia Minor), Sinassos (Cappadocia), Farassa (Cappadocia), Floita (Cappadocia)
Publication date:
Publication IBN:
Storage media comments:
Δραγούμης Φ. Μάρκος - Μωραΐτης Θανάσης - Μερλιέ Μέλπω - Κωστάκης Θανάσης - Παπαδόπουλος Ιορδάνης - Hunt Yvonne - Baud-Bovy Samuel
Merlier Melpo
Registration Date:
Responsible for registration:
Moraitis Thanassis
Responsible comments:
1. The holy days have come
2. Pilgrim's song
3. New Year's carol
4. Easter song
5. I beg you, blessed Virgin
6. Pilgrim's song
7. Wedding procession song
8. Three Carols (Palm Sunday-Lazarus day-Epiphany)
9. The castle of Marou
10. Let our friends rejoice
11. The nine brothers
12. The tale of St. Alexios
13. The three noblemen
14. Bring back my love
15. One dark starless night
16. Porphiris (Domna Samiou)
17. For the adornment of the bride
18. A slave in the galley sighed
19. The bridge of Adana (Domna Samiou)
20. St. George and the dragon
21. Let us dance around
22. Ağlama
23. This day is ours
24. Νot given
25. Ben atımı (Rodi Tomurcukgul)
26. Two suns and moons
27. Lullaby
