Folk music of Greece / Wolf Dietrich (LP 81)
Storage media information and contents
- Media type:
- LP
- Series:
- Folk music of Greece
- Areas: Epirus, Thessaly, Macedonia, Naxos (Cyclades), Islands, Aegean islands, Paros (Cyclades), Peloponnese, Pontos, Roumeli, Santorini (Cyclades), Fokidha
- Publication date:
- 01/01/1974
- Publication place:
- London
- Publication company:
- TOPIC Records
- Publication IBN:
- 12 TS231
- Producer:
- Dietrich Wolf
- Responsible:
- Dietrich Wolf
- Storage media comments:
- Dietrich Wolf
- Collector:
- Dietrich Wolf
- Registration Date:
- 29/05/1995
- Responsible for registration:
- Moraitis Thanassis
- Responsible comments:
- These recordings were made during three field trips in 1966, '67 & '69. Booklet included.
- Songs:
- 1. Tsamikos (Protomaya mou ta 'rixes)
- 2. Syrtos 1 (Folk music of Greece / Wolf Dietrich)
- 3. Tsamikos (Folk music of Greece / Wolf Dietrich)
- 4. Arvanitikos (Tsaita voutsën moi mëmë)
- 5. Syrtos 2 (Folk music of Greece / Wolf Dietrich)
- 6. Tou gamou 1 (Folk music of Greece / Wolf Dietrich)
- 7. Beratis (Folk music of Greece / Wolf Dietrich)
- 8. Trigonia
- 9. Vlachiko (Folk music of Greece / Wolf Dietrich)
- 10. Kalamatianos (Folk music of Greece / Wolf Dietrich)
- 11. Sousta 1 (Folk music of Greece / Wolf Dietrich)
- 12. Sousta 2 (Folk music of Greece / Wolf Dietrich)
- 13. Zeibekikos (tsambouna)
- 14. Mantinada 1 (Folk music of Greece / Wolf Dietrich)
- 15. The murder of a wife
- 16. Tou gamou 2 (Folk music of Greece / Wolf Dietrich)
- 17. Ballos (Folk music of Greece / Wolf Dietrich)
- 18. Chassapikos (souvliari)
- 19. Mantinada 2 (Folk music of Greece / Wolf Dietrich)