- 1. Flute solo (Petros Kalyvas)
- 2. Improvisation on Byzantine tunes (Greek dances - Dora Stratou LP 62)
- 3. Minore (Tatavla)
- 4. Ousak (Folk musicians and singers sing of Thessaloniki)
- 5. Rhythm 1 (Greek dances - Dora Stratou LP 177)
- 6. Rhythm 2 (Greek dances - Dora Stratou LP 177)
- 7. Rhythm 3 (Greek dances - Dora Stratou LP 177)
- 8. Rhythm 4 (Greek dances - Dora Stratou LP 177)
- 9. Rhythm 5 (Greek dances - Dora Stratou LP 177)
- 10. Rhythm 6 (Greek dances - Dora Stratou LP 177)
- 11. Santouri solo (Greece - Musical Atlas)
- 12. Solo outi (Folk songs and airs from all around Greece)
- 13. Taximi Mikrasias (kanun - oud)
- 14. Νot given